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The purpose of the portfolio is to demonstrate sustained progress (e.g. samples from beginning, middle and end of year) in the overall program, in the subjects required, for the time required. There is no required format. Some possible formats include folders for each subject, a large binder, photos of trips, projects, online samples, and so forth.


As per the law, a portfolio consists of the following:


1. "Samples" - The law does not speak to the number of samples a portfolio must contain or that they need to be in every subject. A sample can be anything generated by your child (worksheets, drawings, etc.) or reflecting what your child did (museum brochures, articles used for a lesson, etc.), a list of things your child did or a written summary from you. Please feel free to organize your child's portfolio in whatever manner you determine is best to demonstrate your child's sustained educational progress. 


2. "Log" - The law states: "a log, made contemporaneously with the instruction, which designates by title the reading materials used.” A list of "reading materials used" suffices. There is no requirement in the law for an attendance record. In your affidavit or unsworn declaration, you attest there will be 180 days (or 900 hours for elementary, 990 hours for secondary) of instruction.


3. "Results of nationally normed standardized achievement tests in reading/language arts and mathematics" in grades 3, 5 and 8. Click HERE for more information on testing options.

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